Who Is The Right Candidate For Implant Restoration?

Implant Restoration is a procedure in which they put an artificial tooth in place of your missing tooth. It will be according to the size of your previous tooth and also compatible with the dental root. If you want to get an implant restoration, you must have certain qualities to make you eligible.

When Can You Get Implant Restoration?

If some of your teeth are missing or dentures are not stable enough, You should go for implant restoration. But there are a few things you need to be careful about before having this surgery. They are as follows.

  • Your Oral Health Should be Good

The most important thing is your general oral health. You should have strong gums and a jawbone in excellent condition for this procedure to be fruitful. If your gum is not strong enough and is decaying, your implant will be a waste of time and can lead to other dental problems.

  • Your Bone Density Should Be High

Your jawbone should have a very high density to withstand an implant. Otherwise, it will lead to so many problems in the future. If your bones are not dense enough, You should go for bone grafting before implant restoration. They will make your bone dense sufficient for the implantation procedure.

  • You Should Also Be Healthy, Generally.

Your general health is also a massive factor in implant restoration. If your diabetes is not under control, or you have some other autoimmune diseases, that will make healing after the procedure very difficult, and that will lead to many significant problems.

  • You Should Stop Smoking.

You should stop smoking the moment you decide to go for implant restoration. It severely affects the healing process and can lead to bigger problems. You should at least stop smoking for 2-3 months before the surgery.

  • You Should Be Prepared Psychologically!

This surgery is not only concerned with your physical or oral health. It is also connected with your mental condition. So you may need to be prepared for that in advance.

What Should You Do After Implant Restoration?

The most important thing to do after restoration is to maintain your oral health in the best condition. It will help improve the longevity of your implant restoration and also help you during the healing period of your affected gums and teeth. You should regularly floss your teeth alongside brushing them.

Contact A Dentist Today!

Your dentist will assess your teeth and let you know if you are the right candidate for implant restoration.