How to Take Care of Your Loved Ones Post-Surgery?

Going through the challenging phase of surgery is overwhelming!

The wounds and the cuts take time to heal, and the mental condition of the patients suddenly takes the wrong turn due to the anxiousness!

Once you see that your loved ones are going through the same phase, your caring hands can help them cut through the noise.

In this blog, we’ll share how you can help them to bring back into the mainstream of life!

Let’s dig deeper.

1. Be There

Based on the type of surgery, a patient may stay in a hospital for a few days. They may need medical product supplies and a caring hand during this time. Your presence will lighten the patient’s mood and show them how much you care for them. You can cook delicious food and bring it for the patient or gift a book according to the patient’s taste. Or, simply sit next to their bed and start chatting about any lighter topic.

Ensure that the patient needs to put more stress on the activities. Otherwise, it will cause the body to react more, which is not expected then. Learning that someone is there for caregiving helps the patient reduce anxiety, reinforcing the positive mood.

2. Share Responsibilities

Your loved one may be struggling with the daily responsibilities that were once easier for them. Don’t hesitate to offer support to the patient that is hard during the recovery period. You can take their children to school, bring the medical supplies at home or cook the meals for the rest of the family members.

This will help to get more resting time, and the patient will also be mentally stress-free. Therefore, he/she can focus more on recovery.

3. Distract Positively

According to a study, distracting patients positively helps them temporarily eliminate the notion of pain. Keep the patient engaged with mindful discussions like recent happenings around politics, sports etc. Also, you can watch a movie or read a book with the patient. The positive distractions enable your loved ones to keep engaged with the topics. Moving forward, this keeps the mind distracted from pain, which is pivotal in quick healing.

4. Show Your Strong Side

Your loved one needs support and strength after surgery. Assure them that you will be vital to combat the situation positively. Your good vibes will help them to participate in quick healing, along with the support of home medical equipment. Irrespective of any situation, be there and continuously support your loved one.

5. Communicate Daily

Even if you’re not physically present at the patient’s place, ensure you call or text them regularly. Let them know that you will always be there to help them make positive decisions. Communication is the primary key to resolving things quickly and positively. That’s true for the healing process as well. Remember, the more you communicate with your loved one, the quicker he/she can participate in healing.

6. Use Technology

Utilizing the technology in the post-operative phase can be a big game-changer, if used properly. From automatic pill dispensing machines to electric wheelchairs- there are countless post-surgery systems. As a boon of technology, this system will help patients quickly recover. The biggest advantage is these machines can be easily monitored. Also, these systems send time-to-time notifications to keep the patients updated about their dosage or health status.

Ask your loved one to use these machines instead of manual things. Explain the benefits of using the same and how it can be monitored. Based on the patient’s mobility, buy the system from online/offline medical supplies stores. However, consult with a doctor before starting to use any machines.

7. Help to Manage Pain

Pain is the inalienable part of recovery. However, you can help the patient to manage the pain positively. Discuss with the doctor about pain management and the pain alleviating medications. Also, the doctor will provide aftercare instructions. Ask the patient to follow these instructions for the right pain medication dose. This will help the patient to participate in quick healing.

8. Focus on the Hygiene Part

Ask your loved one to stay clean during the recovery process. Maintaining routine hygiene is essential as it will prevent infections and post-surgery complications. Also, ask the patient to follow the doctor’s aftercare instructions. However, ensure you’re not pushing your loved ones beyond their physical limits when maintaining hygiene.

9. Take Care of Wounds

Bear in mind that the wounds need proper care for quick healing. The patient’s physical state might be a hindrance to taking care of the same. However, you can appoint a professional nurse who can take care of these wounds by changing bandages and applying ointments over the wounds.

Important Home Medical Equipment for Post-Surgery Recovery

  • Wheelchairs– If your loved one is restricted from weight-bearing or any other significant mobility restrictions, wheelchairs are a great option. They provide high support to the patients during the recovery phase.
  • Walkers– This Equipment is suitable for those individuals who can bear minimal weight but require additional support. Various walkers are available based on the requirement of recovery needs.
  • Crutches– This home medical equipment enables individuals to maintain stability and balance during walking.

Healing Takes Time

Recovery isn’t an overnight phase. It takes time to follow the processes described by the doctor. Maintaining the same will help a patient to get back to normal life. The transition process will be smooth with your caregiving, and your loved one will enjoy your closeness!